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2025/01 New paper led by Fanlin: Our PhD researcher Fanlin published his PhD work at the beginning of 2025 - what a great start! Well done! F Ling, L Kong, J Shang (2025) Influence of Mineral Veins on Hydraulic Fracture Propagation, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, in press.
2024/12 Invited Keynote: Junlong delivered an invited keynote at the Yunlong Lake-Loch Lomond Symposium on Subsurface Energy Storage at Strathclyde University
2024/09 Director of PGR: Junlong is appointed PGR Director for the Department of Civil Engineering and Management.
2024/09 UK Interpore Chapter: Wei did a poster presentation about this PhD research at the 7th Interpore UK Chapter Meeting at the University of Manchester.
2024/06 Energy Group of the Geological Society Conference: We presented our INFORM project at the Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste Conference at the University of Manchester.
2024/04 Associate Editor: Junlong is appointed Associate Editor of the journal Green and Smart Mining Engineering.
2024/03 Grant Success: Diamond Light Source, Synchrotron X-ray imaging.
2024/03 Grant Success: EPSRC IAA Rock dowel testing.
2024/03 Rock Mechanics Guest Lecture: Junlong delivered a guest rock mechanics lecture for Undergraduate students at the University of Glasgow Singapore campus.
2024/02 Move to the University of Manchester: We moved to the University of Manchester for new opportunities, challenges, and environment.
2024/01 NWS RSO conference: Junlong and Lie attended the annual Nuclear Waste Services Research Support Office (NWS RSO) conference at Sheffield.
2023/12 AGU Fall Meeting Conference in San Francisco: Our team members - Lie and Fanlin - presented our research at the 2023 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, USA.
2023/12 AMRA Future Leader seminar: Junlong is invited to give an online American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA) Future Leader seminar.
2023/06 Travel Grant Awarded to Fanlin: Our PhD student Fanlin is awarded a PGR travel grant from UofG to support his exchange to GFZ Germany.
2023/06 PhD Fellowship Awarded to Nithy: Nithy (our MSc-by-Research graduate) is awarded an external fellowship to start her PhD research in the RMGE group.
2023/03 Excellent Scientific Editor Award to Junlong: Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Elsevier).
2023/03 Guest Rock Mechanics Lecture for Tongji University: Junlong delivered an invited guest lecture for postgraduates in Rock Mechanics at Tongji University.
2023/02 Invited Talk at Jacobs Ltd: Junlong delivered an invited talk to Jacobs (Glasgow office) for knowledge exchange.
2023/01 DEEPHEAT Workshop at UofG: We organised a hybrid DEEPHEAT geothermal workshop at the Advanced Research Centre at UofG. We had around 15 participants from University of Wisconsin-Madison, China Sinopec, GFZ Germany, and UofG to discuss topics relating to Enhanced Geothermal Systems. This workshop is funded by NERC.
2022/10 Congratulations on Graduation: Rabaya Khair Nithy (PGR) is awarded the degree of Master of Science by Research in Engineering at UofG
2022/10 Excellence in Teaching: Junlong achieves the fellowship of Recognising Excellent in Teaching at UofG
2022/10 Visiting Appointment: Junlong is appointed as a Visiting Scientist at German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam
2022/09 Leadership and Management: Junlong serves as Deputy PGR (PhD) Convenor for the Division of Infrastructure & Environment, James Watt School of Engineering, UofG
2022/08 EPSRC Peer Review College: Junlong is invited to join the EPSRC Peer Review College as a member
2022/07 PhD External Examiner: Junlong is invited to examine a PhD thesis of the University of Aberdeen
2022/07 Grant Success: Our research is funded by EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
2022/05 Invited Lecture: Junlong delivered an invited lecture for the Engineering Geology programme at ETH Zürich
2022/03 Grant Success: Our research is funded by the Royal Society
2021/07 ESI 1% Highly-cited Papers: Our two papers respectively published in JGR-Solid Earth (publication #27) and Engineering Geology (publication #26) were selected as ESI 1% highly-cited papers
2021/07 Grant Success: Our research is funded by NERC (Natural Environment Research Council)
2021/06 Invited BGA Evening Lecture: Junlong and Prof. Steve Hencher delivered an invited BGA Evening Lecture, invited by the British Geotechnical Association, UK
2020/12 Excellent Reviewer Award: Junlong receives the Excellent Reviewer Award (certificate & cash prize) from Journal of Central South University, English Edition (Springer)
2020/11 New fund: We are funded by GFZ (German Research Centre for Geosciences) for a geothermal energy related field research (hydraulic fracture propagation and radiated seismic energy) at Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, Sweden
2020/10 Keynote: Junlong is invited by the Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering to give a keynote lecture for China Rock 2020 conference
2020/04 Future Leader: Junlong becomes a Future Leader of the American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA)
2019/09 Rocha Medal: Junlong receives the Rocha Medal of ISRM (he is the 39th recipient of this medal globally)
2019/03 ESI Highly-Cited Paper: Our paper published in Engineering Geology was selected as an ESI highly-cited paper (publication #9)
2018/09 Peer Recognition: Dr Nick Barton, a world-renowned rock mechanics scientist, commented on our DEM modelling article (publication #13) dealing with the shear failure of rock joints
2018/07 Peer Recognition: Professor Steve Hencher (University of Leeds, UK) and Mr Harshit Agrawal (Imperial College London, UK) commented on our DEM modelling paper (publication #10) that investigates rock bolt supporting mechanism (research collaborated with Kajima Corporation, Japan). [The second author Dr Yasu Yokata, who was working on this topic during this PhD research at NTU Singapore, wins the 2021 ISRM Rocha Medal]
2018/06 Peer Recognition: Dr Nick Barton gave us a lovely comment on our article (publication #12) that considers rock discontinuity persistence
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